Digital Storytelling @ UMBC

Since 2006, UMBC’s New Media Studio (NMS) has facilitated faculty workshops as a gateway opportunity for faculty to explore applications of Digital Storytelling across a wide range of courses, disciplines, and contexts. The Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS) conducted the first three faculty workshops, and then beginning in 2009, the UMBC workshops have followed a peer-to-peer model, conducted by faculty and staff who had received CDS facilitator training. Supporting the use of Digital Storytelling and visual assignments in campus and community contexts has come to be a central part of the studio’s mission. To support this kind of sharing and learning in a network of storytellers, facilitators maintain the campus website Digital Stories @ UMBC, meet with faculty and staff on campus every semester and communicate regularly through an active email listserv with a membership of over 225 colleagues and community members worldwide.

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